October 28, 2012 -- Dorchester and Sackville

Started by psdunn, October 29, 2012, 05:19:15 PM

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Nine Corvettes departed from Dieppe along Route 106 on this cool, damp late October afternoon on our final club tour of the 2012 season.  We turned onto Route 925 and immediately passed the school where the Roger and Angie met when they were in grade 1 and the magic began (maybe a little later).  We followed Route 925 through through some beautiful countryside to our first rest stop, the Belliveau Orchards, a very popular family owned farm where apples, wine and honey and local jams and jellies can be purchased.
After our stop at Belliveau, we continued along back country roads to the town of Dorchester and passed by the Dorchester Penitentiary, opened in 1880 - thanks to Angie for the very interesting information she provided to the participants on this venerable institution.  Our radios were busy on our drive around the Dorchester area as Angie and Libby both provided interesting history and background information on many of the locations we passed.
Upon leaving the Dorchester area, we travelled on to Sackville and our tour of the Campbell Carriage Works.  This facility is larger than it looks and because of the lateness of the day and dwindling daylight, we were only able to see a portion of it but what we saw was fascinating and very informative, thanks to our excellent guide.  I suspect many would like to return and see the blacksmith shop when it is in operation.  We wrapped up our day at Patterson's Restaurant in Sackville with a great meal and lots of laughs before a bittersweet drive home - a wonderful day but the last one until spring of 2013.
Many thanks to Dwight and Libby for planning and leading this great tour.

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