April 2, 2012 Minutes

Started by eraywort, April 03, 2012, 01:39:45 PM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
April 2, 2012 Minutes

The April 2 meeting of the Greater Moncton Corvette Club was held in the Lounsbury's meeting room with the following members present:  Louise Fife, Bert Collicut, Rick Wood, Roger Bourgeois, Dwight & Libby Rayworth, Wornick Price, Paul Dunn, Gerry & Annette Warren, Gary Gaskin, and Steve White.

The March 2012 minutes stood as read.

Speed Sport -   Those putting cars in the show and helping to set up should be at the Coliseum by 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4.

Bowling Challenge -   The Bowling Challenge had a very poor turnout with just a few people from Fredericton, Saint John and Moncton attending .  Those who attended did have a good time though.  But it was a costly event for the number of people participating.

Financial Report -   Our balance as of April 2 is       .

Motion:  It was moved by Dwight, seconded by Paul that the financial report be accepted.  Carried.

Bills for Payment -   The following costs have been incurred recently:

Updating  club car pictures in March
   Dollarama (tape, bristol board & markers)   $5.65    + 8.48
   Costco (cookies & donuts)         $12.98            
                              $ 27.11

Bowling Challenge March
   Pizza                  $68.40
   Alley/shoes/room            $307.00
   Pop, water               $29.35
Reimbursed                  - $130.00
(13 people @ $10 each)               ________

Postage                     $8.35         $8.35

ID Cards                  $33.06         $33.06

Total to Roger & Angie                         $343.27

Total to Wornick  - Postage               $8.08

Motion:  It was moved by Dwight, seconded by Steve that these expenses be paid.  Motion Carried.

New Business -   Francois Gallant is our webmaster.  If you have things for the web page, please forward them to him at francois_gallant@rogers.com 

The Atlantic Corvette Club meeting will be held on Saturday, April 7 at 10:00 a.m. at the Lounsbury's meeting room.

Please make note of the Corvette Club  of Southern New Brunswick's car show on August 10 and 11, and note there will be many prizes to be won including TVs and a trip to Jamaica.

Motion:  At 7:45 p.m. it was moved by Dwight, seconded by Steve that the meeting be adjourned.  Carried.

Wornick won $10 in the 50/50 draw.

Libby Rayworth

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