GMCC Monthly Meeting Oct. 2/23

Started by Ricko, October 03, 2023, 03:49:30 PM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Oct 2, 2023, Lounsbury Meeting Room
Present:  Marc Melanson, Rick and Helen Estabrooks, Roger Bourgeois, Margaret Mayes and Trueman Copp, Scott Mullin, Dave Fyffe, Teri and Tom Osler.
Meeting called to order by President Marc.
Minutes of last meeting to be corrected per Dave's request to show C8 to C3 for Don's run to Alpaca Farm.  Motion made by Rick seconded by Scott to accept with correction, all in favor, motion carried.
Treasurers Report:  Provided by Treasurer, Tom.  Credits - 50/50 of $22, Sale of Calendars $600, Membership dues $240 Total $862.  Debits - Bank Charges $4.58, Petty Cash $100 Total $104.58. Outstanding cheques - Train Museum $100, Camp Triumph $325, IWK $200 for Total of $625.  Balance XXXX.  There being no questions, moved by Roger and seconded by Margaret to accept report, all in favor, motion carried.
Bills for Payment – Nil
Old Business:  Past Events 1) Sept 17 St Antoine car show, although club had other engagements, reports were that lots of cars attended.
2)  Bathurst weekend Sept 22 – 24, Harvest Fest, a great success with 75 corvettes attending, club participants went there from different directions at different times.  Supper Friday night at 13 Barrels Microbrewery, Evelyne and her crew made sure everyone had lots of food and many prizes were given away.  Saturday the Corvette car show was at 13 Barrels parking lot with lots of parking.  Main street had lots of other cars participating in the weekend.  Hotel was within walking distance from everything which was great.  Met lots of new members for the club from the area.  After the show we were escorted by City Police to Lounsbury's in Bathurst for group photo, then on to Petit Rocher Warf for other photos.  Saturday supper was another microbrewery, Bootlegger.  Cars attended from NS, Saint John, River Valley, and Greater Moncton Corvette Club.  This was a very well-organized event.  All went home at different times and again different directions.  Thanks to Evelyne and Philip Valotaire, Marc and Sharon Willet, Linda and Leander Gauvin and family members for the great weekend.  This event will probably be added to our calendar for next year.
3)  Saint John Moon Glow Show and Poker Run Sept 29-30.  57 Corvettes participated in the show Friday night under the lights.  Steel band was very good and lots of prizes awarded throughout the evening including $1000 for tires at Coast Tire anywhere in the Maritimes and a toolbox donated by Car Craft, both major show sponsors.  BBQ by Bobbys Hospice was enjoyed by many.  Saturday poker run had 42 vettes participate, our group from GMCC had 2 cars from Saint John escort us to check points to pick up our cards.  All ended up at Boston Pizza for prizes and awards.  One lucky guy won the 50/50 as well as all 3 gas cards.
4)  Rye's Run Oct 1st had 3 vettes from our club participate, many less than previous years.  Route taken was also different than previous years.
5)  Roger advised he sold calendars in both Bathurst and Saint John.  90 are left to be sold.
New Business: 1) Christmas Party scheduled for Nov 25, menu should be available by this Friday, the caterer, Ralph, will be in touch with Marc an email will be sent to Helen who in turn will send to the group.  It will be necessary to RSVP and prepay for the meal either cash to Rick and Helen in person or by etransfer.  Items are requested for silent auction.  Email to be sent shortly.  Helen to pick up items for the party and keep receipts to submit.
2) Fast Past – it appears no items have been submitted for the fall issue, to be revisited prior to spring.
3) Memberships - Rick made motion seconded by Roger those new members paying in Bathurst to have membership extended to 2024 as we are so late in the season, the member who had membership due to purchasing vehicle at Lounsbury's and paying dues to have membership extended to 2025, all in favor motion carried.
4)  Review of emails indicated no one had offered their name for positions of President, Vice President or Secretary for 2024, Teri to send another email to membership, election of officers November.
Upcoming Events 1) Sept 21 ACCC meeting at Lounsbury's.
6pm Miss Teen Pageant in St Antoine, vettes needed to pick up participants.  Teri will send email.
2)  Sept 22 Truemans Lobster Run – Changes for this year, leave Riverview Point Park Petro Can at 9am go to Alma to pick up lobster and baked goods, picture at entrance to Park at top of hill, eat at Muddy Rudder either purchase drinks and appetizer to go with lobster or order from menu and take lobster home for another day.  Run through park, entrance fee to enter park required.  Email will be sent shortly.
3) Hamptons Middle School car show, Oct 27th.
Meeting adjourned by Rick 7:56.
Next meeting Nov 6.
50/50 in the amount of $12.50 won by Marc and Roger.
Helen Estabrooks
Marc Melanson

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