GMCC Monthly Meeting December 6/2023

Started by Ricko, December 11, 2023, 02:03:02 PM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Dec 6, 2023
Lounsbury Meeting Room 7pm
Present: Marc and Sandra Melanson, Rick and Helen Estabrooks, Tom and Teri Osler, Dave and Kim MacPherson, Roger and Angela Bourgeois, Darlene Estabrooks and Ray Cormier, Scott Mullin, Debbie Legge and Derwin Cooling, Gary Gaskin.
Meeting opened with President Marc Melanson welcoming all present.
Minutes of November meeting on site and sent by email prior to meeting, there being no reported errors or omissions moved by Roger and seconded by Rick they be accepted, all in favor, motion carried.
Treasurers Report:  Provided by Treasurer Tom Osler, who expressed frustration over once again not receiving statement from the bank.  With cheques for 2024 being sent in the amounts of $400 to CCCC, $100 to Sports Hall of Fame and $75 to NAACCC opening balance of XXXX.  With receipt of Christmas Party funds in the amount of $1735, calendar and memberships balance on hand XXXXX.  Motion by Tom to accept, seconded by Debbie, all in favor, motion carried.  Expenses $96 to Angela for turkeys purchased for Sue Stultz turkey drive.  Donations to our charities for Christmas Party and calendar sales $2927 cheque to be issued for each.  ( Calendar sales to date $4120 for 206 calendars sold)
Leaving balance to start 2024 of XXXX.
Motion by Angela that we donate $265 to Pepere Boite a Lunch, seconded by Ray, all in favor, motion carried.
Bills for Payment:  Helen for ink and paper $44.71 and $5.70 for over expenditure for Christmas Party.  Motion by Helen, seconded by Teri, all in favor, motion carried, Helen to receive payment.
Membership Update:  Teri Osler advised we have 32 paid for 2024.
Old Business : 1) Helen presented report on Christmas Party, 61 dinners purchased including club paying for bartender, 60 guests attended, with tremendous support of our sponsors and members providing items for auction we raised $1040 with silent auction and another $695 through live auction for a total of $1735 to be split between Autism Resource Centre and IWK.  Guests danced to music provided by Rick.  With door prizes and spot dance prizes everyone participated and had a great time.  Thanks to Marc who paid the hall rental of $100.  Expenses, detailed list with notes, overspent by $5.70.
Marc advised hall booked for Nov 23, 2024 with Chef willing to cater and hall capacity of 120.
2) Election of Officers:  President and Vice President vacant.  Dave MacPherson volunteered to take on the role of President and Debbie Legge agreed to Vice President, they will be supported in their roles by both Marc and Roger.  Members were thrilled with their decisions.  Both will receive their membership dues back.
New Business: Marc provided update on his discussions with Royal Bank regarding non-profit account.  7.00 fee per month for account, no charge for etransfers inbound, cash deposits $2.50 for $1000 at ATM, bank card would be issued to allow Treasurer to bank in Bouctouche, 25 cheques to be issued free of charge, electronic statements issued to our email free of charge.  $1.50 fee for each etransfer sent.  He will need minutes of 2 previous meetings to open the account as bank requires list of officers.
Motion by Roger seconded by Dave that Marc open the nonprofit account at the Royal Bank.  Club will have 2 accounts until all cheques written are cleared then make arrangements to have remaining funds transferred to new account.  All in favor, motion carried.
Teri will send out email to members if more information obtained.
Discussion regarding those paying membership by Paypal which is costing the club.  Decision those paying by Paypal they will be advised the dues are $33 to allow for the cost of the transaction.
Tom thanked Marc for his work as President for 2023 year.
Next meeting Mar 4, 2024.  Dave asked members to consider collecting die cast cars for Speed Sport East 2024.  Meeting will prepare for this event.
Gary asked members for their comments regarding the governments decision to include ethanol in all gas starting 2024 and what the effect would be on older cars.  Discussion ensued.
Motion to adjourn made by Rick at 8:30.
50/50 in the amount of $19.50 won by Rick.
Helen Estabrooks
Marc Melanson

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