September 2, 2012 GMCC Minutes

Started by eraywort, September 12, 2012, 03:30:12 PM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Minutes of September 2, 2012

The regular monthly meeting of the Greater Moncton Corvette Club was held in the Lounsbury's meeting room on September 2 with the following members present:  Roger Bourgeois, Wornick Price, Dwight & Libby Rayworth, Pat Roy, Jerry & Annette Warren, Skip and Cheryl MacKenzie,  Paul Dunn, Bob Surrette,  & Art & Diane Belliveau.

The August minutes stand as read.

Old Business
Our turn to host the Cruise to the Bay on August 15 was cancelled due to the chance of rainy weather. 

Nine Corvettes from our club took part in the Corvettes of Southern New Brunswick car show.

Forty-six cars proceeded across the Confederation Bridge on Saturday, August 18 to take part in the Prince Edward Island Vette Fest weekend.

Harold Redmond won the bid for car tires with a bid of $800.

A card was received from Sheila Adshade thanking  us for the donation made to the Autism Resource Centre on Wayne's passing.

Here is a list of winners of the 12 gas cards that were purchased and draw for at various club activities:

Lobster Party (2) winners:  Mike & Jeannie; Bob & Carolyn
RVV Show (2) winners:  Doug & Gloria, Brian & Debbie
Saint John Show (2) winners:  Art & Diane, Alfred & Zelica Landry
Corvette Club of Nova Scotia (2) winners:  Pat &  Sylvie, _________
Prince Edward Island Show (2) winners:  Jacques & Monique C., Paul and Della
St. Martin's Run (1) winner:  Paul & Della
King's Landing (1) winner:  Bob & Carolyn

Financial Report:
Wornick presented the Financial Report.  The balance as of September 2 is _______  (See attached financial report).

Motion:  It was moved by Wornick, seconded by Pat that the financial report be accepted.  Carried.

Motion:  It was moved by Pat, seconded by Dwight that we donate $1,500 to the Autism Resource Centre.  Carried.

The following bills were presented as well:

$175. To the Autism Resource Centre for Bereavement donations.

$67.73 – Oil form Mr. Lube (6 litres as prizes for our show at the Atlantic Nationals)

Motion:  It was moved by Dwight, seconded by Paul that this bills be paid.  Carried

Roger reported we have 75 paid members to date.

New Business
-   Plans for a 2014 New England Caravan are being planned
-   The Autism Resource Centre is planning a "Change the Course of Autism Conference" for October 4 & 5, 2012 in Moncton.  They are able to sponsor this conference with the help of the financial support we have been able to provide them.

September/October Runs Upcoming include:

September 9 – Trip to the Balloon Fest in Sussex 

September 16 – Trip to Alma

September 23  - Fall Colours – St. Antoine

September 28 & 29 - Vette to Vettes  & Scarecrow Festival

October 7 – Back Roads Drive to Jemseg

October 14 – President's Run

October 29 -  Back Roads Drive from Dieppe to Sackville with Supper in Sackville (possibly Pattersons Restaurant)

Motion:  It was moved by Pat, seconded by Dwight that the meeting be adjourned at 7:30 p.m.  Carried

Paul won $10 in the 50/50 draw.

Libby Rayworth,

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