GMCC Monthly Meeting Sept 5, 2022

Started by Ricko, September 14, 2022, 01:35:37 PM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Sept 5,22
Lounsbury Meeting Room 7pm
Present :  Bob Cormier, Dave Fyffe, Don MacAulay and Debbie MacPherson, Scott Mullin, Sandra and Marc Melanson, Rick and Helen Estabrooks, Angie and Roger Bourgeois, Margaret Mayes and Trueman Copp, Richard and Carrie Anne Rioux, Debbie and Derwin Cooling, Kim and Dave MacPherson, Teri and Tom Osler, Darlene Estabrooks and Ray Cormier.
President Bob Cormier welcomed all present.
Minutes of previous meeting on web page and sent by email prior to meeting, no questions or errors reported.
Old Business :  1)  Roger provided recap of Aug 6 Saint John Poker run, 5 cars left Moncton meeting up with several others from our club In Saint John.  After the car show at Coast Tire cars left in groups of 6 or 7 ( 6 groups in total) to pick up cards travelling through Rothsay, Saint John, Reversing Falls, back to Boston Pizza for late lunch and prizes, several from our group won.  Gas card was won by Ann Perry.
2)  Aug 21-22 Carrie Anne provided detailed account of the two day trip, notes will be placed in binder when received, gas card won by Eric and Julie LeBlanc.
3)  Bob provided details of trip Aug 24-29 trip to Carlisle.  8 cars left Canada for a fun filled few days, saw lots of beautiful cars and event overwhelming for those on their first visit.  He thanked Gina and Chris as well as Roger and Angie for making the trip memorable for him between the accommodations and leading the group it made the trip much better.  Full details are in binder.
4)  Roger advised that Flawless Automotive is in business, was down for awhile due to covid and is still a sponsor of the club.
6)  Cheque to correct 50/50 from Atlantic Nationals going out this week.
Financial Report :  Treasurer Tom Osler provided report on club finances. Debits of $368.97 and deposits of $288.50 will be reflected in September end statement, balance of XXXXX.  Motion to accept made by Roger seconded by Marc, all in favor motion carried.
Bills for payment : Helen $125 for 5 - $25 gas cards, one which was used for Campbelton run.  Motion to accept for payment made by Roger seconded by Marc all in favor, motion carried.
Membership Update :  Teri advised there have been 2 new memberships since last report , number now at 135.  Angela advised she received 5 requests to join our facebook page with unusual names she will review with Teri prior to adding or deleting.
New Business : Events being organized for future.
 1)  Don provided details of proposed run to Kings Landing for Sept 10, to leave  McDonalds, Magnetic Hill  at 8am.  Email to be sent with RSVP required as 14 needed for tour guide to be provided.  Rick to add to calendar.
2)  Show and Shine Sept 18 in Saint Antoine, email to be sent with details possible pizza party at Tom and Teri after event for those interested. Rick to add to calendar.
Breakfast at 830 at Knights of Columbus Hall, Rick to add to calendar.
3)  Sept 24 - Fall Fair Show and Shine in Sackville, possible for cars to participate in parade, can meet at Ray Cormier's.  More to come in email.
4)  Sept 25 - Bob is planning run to St Martins with stop at Cave Restaurant, Rick to add to calendar. Email to follow.
5)  Oct 2 – Rhys Run, this year to Bouctouche.
6)  Oct 8 – Roger is planning run to Pictou, Rick to add to calendar, more to follow.
7)  Oct 15 with rain date of 16 – Bob planning PEI trip, Rick to add to calendar, with more to follow.
8)  Oct 22 – ACCC meeting
9)  Oct 23 – Trueman Lobster Run to Alma, meet at PetroCan in Riverview at 9am, pick up lobster and stop at bakery, picture to be taken at entrance to Fundy Park then on to Snowmobile Club for lunch and for those interested a drive around the area after lunch.  Rick to add to calendar.
10)  Oct 28 -  Hampton Middle School
11)  Oct 29 - rain date 30th – Angie organizing lady driver day to museum and graveyard in area, more to follow, Rick to add to calendar.
12)  Christmas Party Dec 10 – Tom will check to see if the hall is available and Helen to email Linda Gauvin to see if she would be willing to organize event if we are able to get the hall.  Angie will get the details of chef used in the past and pass along.  Once date determined Rick to add to calendar.  Scott advised he would be willing to bring a C8 car driver simulator to the event if it is compatible with system at the hall, should be a great opportunity for those interested to try car out.
13)  Angie advised that the new members should add their information to Corvette Depot.  If someone cannot find something corvette they are looking for at Lounsbury's, where we should check first, as they are our main sponsor and members receive 25 percent off items purchased, Corvette Depot has free shipping on your birthday and other holidays.  Each member must apply themselves as they are providing their personal information.  Angie will compose email to be sent to new members to provide information and application process.
14)  Gas card drawn for Carlisle run, winners Ray and Darlene.
Meeting adjourned at 8:19 by Angela.
Next meeting Oct 3.
Winner of 50/50 in the amount of $29.00 Scott Mullin
Helen Estabrooks

Bob Cormier

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