GMCC Monthly Meeting February 6, 2023

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Monthly Meeting – February 6, 2023
Members present:
Don MacAulay, Kim & Dave MacPherson, Tom & Teri Osler, Roger & Angela Bourgeois
Al Trahan

Meeting began at 7 p.m.

Roger advises that he is chairing this meeting as Marc has been super busy with funerals and especially this week's Antoinine Maillet's wake and funeral.   Angie has offered to take tonight's minutes as Helen was unable to make the meeting.

Old business:   Minutes from last meeting:  Tom noted that a correction to the re-payment for the turkeys was $110 (shown as $100).   Motion to accept Minutes with corrections by Dave Macpherson and seconded by Tom Osler.   Minutes accepted.

Tom has received clarification that the additional bank charges were based on transactions and therefore rather than deposit or PayPal transfer often, it would be best to minimize transactions by doing it once a month.
The cheque (Christmas party auction fundraiser) for Autism will be delivered by Angie once we know more about their availability.

Financial Report presented by Tom.   As of January 31st, opening balance was $xxx.xx;  Membership (40) received $1200.75;  50/50 draw deposit $18.00;  Christmas dinner round up deposit $70.00;  payment of turkeys for Sue Stultz food drive $110.00;  bank charges $11.62.   Closing balance now $xxxx.xx.
Bill's for payment... GoDaddy.
Motion to accept Treasurer's report by Roger, seconded by Angela.... Motion carried.

New Business:
It is with great sadness that we have to share the news of the passing of one of our dear friend, Andrea Morneau.  She and her husband Ron are members of a Corvette Club out of Massachusetts.   Our club hosted a group from that club about 15 years' ago and have kept in contact since.   Angie and I attended Andrea's beautiful celebration of life this past Saturday.

Our club also mourns the loss of Robb Smith. You will remember him as Doug MacDonald's deteailer.  Some members attended his 50th birthday last fall.  He had been ill for some time.  Our sympathies to his family and friends.

Web site:    Ask Rick to pay current bill from Go Daddy's to continue for 2023.  Rick will be reimbursed by Treasurer.    Dave will help Darlene set up a new web page to start over.  We may be able to take advantage of the discounts through the Go-Daddy Canadian site.  Follow up at the next meeting.

Breakfast on Feb 19, Knights of Columbus, will be followed by a meeting for calendar of events.  Everyone is encouraged to attend in order to come up with trip suggestions and folks to organize those trips, whether a day run or a weekend away. 

Breakfast first Sunday of month on Broadway St., Moncton, hosted by the Knights of Columbus at that location. 
Everyone is encouraged to take part as often as possible.

Speed Sport East will be held April 21-23.   Don MacAulay was asked and accepted to chair this activity again this year.   

Our President, Marc, attended the Quad C meeting on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2023.  Canadian Council of Corvette Clubs Eastern Division (Quad C) has some funds they want to give to clubs for the club's charity of their choice, $8.00 per member as of the end of 2022.  We must tell them which charity and they will send us the cheque.  A motion was made by Angela to send donation to Autism, seconded by Tom.  Motion carried.

The NS Corvette Club has decided to leave Quad C.

This year's Christmas party will be Nov 25.   Michel Leblanc, their caterer, will cater.   Hall and catering has been confirmed.

Marc updates that the calendars are priced as follows:  300 calendars ($1948.00 + HST) = $2,240.20, a cost of $7.47 each calendar;   $20 x 300 calendars = $6,000 - $2,240.20 cost = $3,759.80 to our charities.  If we order 500 ($2,997.00 + HST) = $3,446.50 = cost of $6.89 per calendar. $20 x 500 = $10,000.00 - $3,446.50 = $6,553.50 to our charities.   We would need the pictures by March 2, 2023.  We would select the winners from a hat at our March 6th meeting.  The calendars would be ready for Speedsport.  Pictures can be emailed to    The group suggested that 300 should be sufficient.   If we see they are selling fast, we can always order more.

If we think that's too close, we can get them done for the Lounsbury car show in June.

We received the December newsletter from Maritime Motorsport Hall of Fame Inc, Petitcodiac.   If anyone is interested in reading, please see Helen for a copy.

Teri confirms that we currently have 72 members paid.

Teri advises that she is temporarily working with two email lists (paid 2022 and paid 2023);  therefore folks may get 2 emails until we abolish the 2022 list.  She apologizes for this.

Tom won 50/50.... $12.50

Meeting adjourned by Dave at 8:10 p.m.

Angela Bourgeois
Minute Taker

Roger Bourgeois

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