GMCC Monthly Meeting July 3/23

Started by Ricko, July 04, 2023, 11:58:16 AM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
July 3, 2023
Lounsbury Meeting Room 7pm
Present: Helen and Rick Estabrooks, Tom and Teri Osler, Don MacAulay and Debbie MacPherson, Trueman Copp and Margaret Mayes, Dave Fyffe, Kim and Dave MacPherson, Marc and Sandra Melanson, Bob Cormier, Roger Bourgeois, Ray Cormier
Meeting called to order by President Marc Melanson.
Minutes of last meeting circulated, there being no errors or omissions, moved by Roger and seconded by Dave MacPherson, all in favor accepted as posted and circulated.
Old Business:  Presidents Report :  Marc commented on the 2 trips that he participated in 1)  June 11, Ice Cream Run led by Roger to Bouctouche  to Saint-Antoine with 4 cars participating, stop for ice cream on way home, 2) PEI weekend June 24/25 -  12 cars left Dieppe, the bridge was taken as the ferry was out of order.  At the Information Centre gathered with other GMCC, CCNS and PEICC members.  29 cars left to go to Camp Triumph in Kensington for informative tour and donation presentation by Don MacAulay, pictures on our website as well as Camp Triumph. Even PEI members were educated on what the camp does for children.  Most enjoyed their picnic lunch before leaving for the other end of PEI to Wood Island for a tour of Winery.  From there we headed back to Charlottetown were many stayed overnight.  Supper was at New Glasgow Hills Golf Course where the club house was reserved for just the corvettes, all enjoyed a 3-course dinner.  On Sunday most headed home with some taking in sites along the way.
Other events recap provided by Roger 1) Bar Harbour June 1-4 see June minutes.
2)  Lounsbury Car Show June 10 had over 120 cars participating, thanks to all who helped.  Our charity Autism did very well with the donation jar and their presentation and participation provided a different outlook and effort.  Lounsbury's was pleased with the turnout. 
3)  Calendar sales – 130 have sold so far with 12 being donated to our sponsors who paid for most of the cost of being produced.  Bank deposit was made by Roger, Mark has another 150 at home which will be on sale at the Atlantic Nationals this coming weekend.
Treasurers Report:  Tom provided detailed report. Credits - memberships $476.49, 50/50 $18, 50/50 from Lounsbury Car show $790 to be donated to Autism with presentation at Atlantic Nationals, Quad C for Oil $188.55, Calendar sales $2220.00.  Total $3693.04 Debits - IWK $1700, Calendars $2294.25, Roger for oil $188.55, Bank Charges $17.04.  Total $4199.87 Closing Balance XXXX. Moved by Rick seconded by Roger, all in favor motion carried.
Bills for Payment – Nil
Motion made by Rick seconded by Ray that Marc picks up 10 - $25.00 gas cards at Irving Dieppe to hand out during summer runs.  All in favor, motion carried.  Marc will bring receipt to Tom at Nationals.
Membership Update – Teri advised there are 119 members to date, with Roger providing another 3 completed applications at meeting.
New Business: 1)   Atlantic Nationals – July 5 – 9.  Volunteers for Saturday to set by up banners and club signs to be there 7:30 and area to be roped off Friday evening.  Friday run organized by Roger will leave Dieppe Irving at 9:30 to travel to Shediac then on to Michel LeBlanc's for 10 – 10:30 with lunch at L'Aboiteau, then on to Cape Jermaine for group pic with the Confederation Bridge in the background.  Many members from Maine will be in attendance.  Roger asked for those planning to attend lunch to let him know in advance.
Pick up of registration documents at rear entrance of Moncton Coliseum.
Trueman advised he has been given a donation of a pressure washer.  Motion by Margaret seconded by Bob tickets will be sold at $5.00 to corvette members and other club members, draw to be made Saturday at 4 pm, if person is unable to stay until 4 their name and number will be put on the ticket, and they will be called.  All funds raised to be donated to IWK.  All in favor, motion carried.  Margaret will sell these tickets.
50/50 sold on Saturday funds to go to Camp Triumph. 50/50 Sunday funds to be held for Christmas party expenses.
Autism will be present and will have BBQ set up, water being donated by Trueman and Bob will have pop donated by Pepsi.  Teri to send email to let members know they do not have to bring lunch as BBQ will be going in our area.  Facebook will be updated as well.
2)  Yarmouth July 13 – 16, for those going with Roger, group will leave Dieppe Irving at 8:30 am July 13 and pick up members on ramps who choose to go with group.  Teri will send a reminder email.
3)  Don is planning a trip to Alpaca Farm Aug 5 with rain date of Aug 7.  Bring thinly sliced apples as a treat for animals, please no dogs, and no picture posted to Facebook as the farm does not cater to public.  Cabin in the back and gift shop have both expanded.  Leaving McDonalds Magnetic Hill at 10 am, visit farm 11 – 12:30. Stop on way back in Bouctouche for ice cream.  Rick to add to calendar and Teri to send out email.
4)  Tom advised he had visited Car Museum in Petitcodiac and viewed our brick as sponsor.  Rick to add to calendar BBQ set for Aug.13 . Car Show St. Antoine Sept 17.
Meeting adjourned at 8:16 by Rick.
Next meeting Aug 7 at 7pm.
Winner of 50/50 in the amount of $25.50 was Sandra Melanson.

Helen Estabrooks
Marc Melanson

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