GMCC Monthly Meeting September 4/23

Started by Ricko, September 05, 2023, 12:33:22 PM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Sept 4, 2023, 7pm, Lounsbury Meeting Room
Present: Marc and Sandra Melanson, Rick and Helen Estabrooks, Dave Fyffe and daughter Tina, Roger and Leontine Boudreau, Ray Cormier and Darlene Estabrooks, Richard and Carrie Anne Rioux, Scott Mullin, Margaret Mayes and Trueman Copp, Don MacAulay, Roger Bourgeois.
Meeting called to order by President Marc Melanson.
Minutes of last meeting posted on Facebook as requested as Teri Osler's computer in shop and she was unable to send to members by email.  President assured members our Facebook page is a closed group and only members of our club who have been approved to join can view, this s not a public forum.  Minutes were taken down from this page at the conclusion of the meeting by Rick who was asked to post them.  Motion to accept minutes made by Roger seconded by Leontine, all in favor, motion approved.
Treasurers Report:  In Treasurers absence, Helen had been asked to present report.  Credits: 50/50 $22.00 and sale of 12 calendars $240.00.  Debits: Roger $51.96 for expenses and Teri $251.79 for club BBQ. Bank Charges nil.  Balance XXXXX. Outstanding cheque for Train Museum $100.00.  Helen advised bank charges would be clarified.  Roger advised there would be no bank charges as bank was not charging at this time.  He advised that Angie had been to the bank, and she was advised that all transactions had been charged at $1.25 for the past period, this included both deposits and debits.  This issue will be reviewed further.  Motion to accept made by Roger seconded by Rick, all in favor, motion carried.
Marc advised he had $520 to be deposited for sale of calendars.
Bills for Payment:  Roger will hold until Treasurer available.
Issue of Petty Cash discussed considering bank intending to charge for each transaction.  Motion made by Margaret and seconded by Rick that $100 petty cash float be held by Treasurer therefore it would not be necessary to write cheques for small amounts.  All in favor, motion carried.
New Business: 1) Christmas Party – Hall has been booked for Nov 25th and chef Mike has been asked to cater event.  As this date is fast approaching request for volunteer to plan the event was made.  Helen and Rick have agreed to plan our party this year.  Some changes being made.  We will not be having an exchange of gifts.  There will be a silent auction, members are asked to donate generously as this is a fund raiser for our charities.  There will be music for dancing, more details to follow.  Marc will contact Mike to determine meal and was asked to look at choices for our members who require gluten and dairy free options.
2) Email back up required.  The emails are sent from a Gmail account and if Teri is not available, we need someone to log in and send emails on event changes quickly.  Don advised he will ask Dave to see if he would volunteer to do this.
3)  Trueman's Lobster Run scheduled for Oct 21.  Roger asked if it could be held on Sunday the 22 as Atlantic Corvette Meeting scheduled for Saturday.  Date changed, Rick to change in calendar.  Trueman advised snowmobile club is available, lobster shop and bakery both open.  He is looking at suggestions for the run.
4)  Sept 15/16 Autumn Corvette Show in Ellsworth USA.  Information provided to Roger from Acadian Corvette Club.
5)  Treasurer to be asked to give Roger cheque for $200 for IWK ASAP as it could be delivered this week.  Also, cheque for $325 to be forwarded to Camp Triumph this week.  These items outstanding from August meeting.  Marc will call Tom.
6)  Evelyne sent an email, 57 cars registered for Bathurst weekend Sept 22-24.  51 rooms booked and there are 2 left at Best Western if anyone else is thinking of going.  Logo requested to be sent to printing company tomorrow.  Group will leave McDonalds Magnetic Hill 10 am, Rick to adjust time in calendar.
7)  Saint John Show Sept 29 – Oct 1, group will leave 2pm from McDonalds Magnetic Hill, Rick to add to calendar.
8)  Calendars are still for sale Tom has taken 10 to work to sell and Roger has sold another 6, some sold on his recent trip to Newfoundland.  All members are encouraged to promote sales.  100 left.  These will be promoted at both Bathurst and Saint John shows.
9)  Scott advised he received an email from friend that antique shop in Salisbury has collection of corvette cards for sale, anyone interested to drop into old Masonic Hall in Salisbury where shop is located.
10)  Don has lots of bags left from Speed Sport East show and those will be given to Roger to take to upcoming events.
Past Events: 1) Don reported on run to Hillsborough.  9 cars participated, very interesting to have cars from C8 to C3. Dave took the lead as he had scouted the route out before the event, even then, they ran into chip seal for about 10 kms.  Director of Railway Museum, Steve Milburn, gave an informative tour of the museum, train shed and coach cars.  The gift shop has many die cast cars with unique packaging.  Dave took a picture in the parking lot of the cars and intended it to be printed to provide Steve a copy to be put in the museum.  The group intended to go to the BBQ and craft area for lunch but instead tried a restaurant for seafood chowder on the walk to the BBQ area.  Dave led the group home with a stop for ice cream along the way.  Don asked the secretary to send a thankyou card to Steve for having the group.
2)  Roger provided a detailed report on Campbeltown Run organized by Bertrand and Annette, Tim and Jeannine. and Philip and Evelyne. 5 cars left Mc Donalds Magnetic Hill and met up with another 2 on the 126, stopped in Douglastown then met up with the remainder at the Bathurst Mall.  Followed the coast to Belldune for a port tour, greeted by Denis Caron who provided a briefing on all the port activities present and future, a tour was arranged via a small bus around the port, very educational.  From there the group went to Ell River Crossing industrial park to meet Amand Landry at Landrich Ent.  He founded the company which started out with trucks and now manufactures tree harvesting equipment from scratch.  This modern plant cuts, welds etc. some automated and some not.  Wiring is all done precisely by hand.  The machines were all powder coated piece by piece.  Shop is very clean and neat.  Once machines are finished, they are all computerized.  Machine operators have a keypad to program.  Very interesting facility.  The owner is a fantastic person in his late 70's.  A vibrant business now owned by family members who also own ALPA equipment which sells other types of machines with 5 branches in the Maritimes.  From there supper at hotel restaurant.  Sunday, we proceeded to the Quebec side to a fossil museum and research facility, another great experience.  After lunch returned home via route 11.  Roger wished to thank the couples, Bertrand and Annette Philip and Evelyne and Tim and Jeannine for organizing this great weekend.
Meeting adjourned at 8:06 by Rick.
Next meeting Oct 2 at 7pm.
50/50 in the amount of $22.00 won by Don MacAulay.

Helen Estabrooks
Marc Melanson

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