GMCC Monthly Meeting March 4 2024

Started by Ricko, March 06, 2024, 02:51:35 PM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Mar 4, 24
Lounsbury Meeting Room – 7pm
Present: Dave and Kim MacPherson, Marc and Sandra Melanson, Roger
Bourgeois, Rick and Helen Estabrooks, Derwin Cooling and Debbie Legge,
Glen and Michelle Best, Darlene Estabrooks and Ray Cormier, Scott Mullin,
Dave Fyffe, Wayne Coster
President Dave MacPherson opened meeting and welcomed all.
Minutes of Dec. meeting read by Secretary, Helen Estabrooks, as they had not
been sent by email prior to meeting. There being no errors or omissions
moved by Debbie seconded by Sandra to approve, all in favor, minutes
Old Business: President advised that Tom and Teri Osler have resigned their
positions as Treasurer and Communications/Membership as they are
relocating to Saint John, currently they are away overseas. Under new
business volunteers for these positions will be requested.
Financial Statement: January statement as provided by Tom was presented
by President. Opening balance XXXX , memberships $852.32 and debits $575
for dues to Quad C, NAACC and Maritime Sports Hall of Fame. The bank
charges $20.75. Closing balance XXXX. Moved by Dave to accept, seconded
by Roger, all in favor, motion carried.
Bills for Payment: Rick advised a bill for Domain Name from Go Daddy
received in the amount of $152.86 which had been presented to executive
and he received payment. Marc advised this was done after January financial
statement. Rick advised that he requested the domain run out within a month
of our current agreement with Go Daddy. Moved by Dave seconded by Marc
this payment, all in favor, motion carried.
New Business: 1) Treasurer position –Club will be changing banks to RBC on
MacBeth and Mountain Road per Dec. Meeting. Roger Bourgeois volunteered
for this position.
2)Communications/Membership - Darlene Estabrooks volunteered for this
Moved by Marc and seconded by Rick that we accept and appoint Roger to
position of treasurer, all in favor, motion carried.
Moved by Roger seconded by Scott that we accept and appoint Darlene to the
Communication/Membership position, all in favor, motion carried.
3)Back up position to Darlene as Communications discussed and Dave as
President appointed Scott Mullin to this position seconded by Rick, all in
favor, motion carried.
Rick to email Teri for password to Gmail account so Darlene can start to
forward information to members.
4)Correspondence: Evelyne requested startup money for the Bathurst
weekend 2024. Moved by Ray and seconded by Debbie that $300 be sent, all
in favor, motion carried.
Discussion regarding repaying dues to new executive, both Roger and Darlene
5) Members were advised on the passing of Evelyne's sister; Roger will ask
Angie to send a sympathy card to Evelyne.
6) Speed Sport East- Dave has been advised we have 8 spots secured for
entries and maybe 10 if space allows. As this is the 50th Anniversary of the
event he suggested having one entry for each of the C categories. He has
been in contact with Lloyds of Moncton for tablecloths and curtains. He
provided samples of giveaways for children including how to order die cast
cars. He requested volunteer to organize this event. Roger agreed to help
organize with him. Roger will be contacting members about entering their car.
If anyone is interested in donating die cast cars, please contact Dave and
Kim. Scott advised he will be looking at ordering some.
7) Charities for 2024 season – Roger motioned to keep the same 50/50 split
with Resource Autism Centre and IWK, seconded by Marc, all in favor, motion
8) Calendar of Events: April 19 – 21 Speed Sport East
April 21 Knights of Columbus Breakfast
May 11 Pictou/New Glasgow Museum - Roger Bourgeois organizing, leaving
Irving in Dieppe 9am
May 20 Knights of Columbus Breakfast
May 30 – June 2 Bar Harbour
June 15 Lounsbury Car Show, date being changed motion made by Rick
seconded by Debbie, all in favor, motion carried.
June 22 – PEI weekend
July 3 – 7 Atlantic Nationals
July 18 – 20 Yarmouth Seafest
Sept 20 – 21 Bathurst
Nov 23 Club Christmas Party
Rick to add all to calendar.
Potential trips: Heritage Park Redbank in Miramachi and Lavendar Farm –
Scott will make contacts to organize. (August date)
Lutz Mountain - Dave and Kim will organize
Train Tressel and Grand Falls – Wayne will make contacts.
9) Darlene will send an email when she is able for others interested in
organizing a trip to submit to Dave.
Motion to adjourn by Sandra.
Next meeting April 2 Tuesday, as Monday is holiday.
50/50 in the amount of $26 won by Rick.
Secretary Helen Estabrooks
President Dave MacPherson

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