August 18,19 - PEI Vettefest

Started by psdunn, August 20, 2012, 05:52:28 PM

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The weekend festivities kicked off at 10:00 am Saturday at the Welcome Centre in Borden-Carleton located at the PEI end of Confederation Bridge.  Corvettes were there from across the Maritimes and by the time we left for the cruise there were a total of 45 cars in the convoy stretching more than half a mile long, Corvettes as far as the eye could see.  We got a lot of attention as we wound our way through the picturesque countryside and at many intersections kind motorists stopped traffic to allow us to pass - thereby getting to enjoy the parade.  We stopped for lunch at the New London Seafood Restaurant located right at the wharf where we enjoyed some fine seafood and a great view of the bay.  The restaurant was empty one minute and filled with 90 hungry guests the next - kudos to the chef and the staff for a very nice lunch.  After we left the restaurant, we drove along the north shore and ended our tour at The Dunes, a huge craft shop/gift shop/restaurant where people browsed or just relaxed in the gardens, enjoying a hot, sunny afternoon.

Saturday evening we all gathered at a local hall for a BBQ and a Chinese auction hosted by the PEICC.  The food was good and the auction was lots of laughs, even if it did seem that 2 tables somehow got their hands on most of the winning tickets!

The show and shine took place on Sunday at Peake's Wharf in downtown Charlottetown and although the weather was overcast and we experienced a few sprinkles, the good mood could not be dampened.  Winning cars from GMCC were Doug & Gloria MacDonald with their '53/'03, Brian and Debbie Palmer with their silver C2 convertible, Daniel Lanteigne with his blue C3 coupe, Roger & Leontine Boudreau with their white C5 Convertible and Leon and Jocelyne Caissie with their 2009 Z06 GT1.  After the show, many stopped at Maggie's Restaurant for a farewell supper before heading to the bridge and home.  Thanks to the host club, PEICC, for another terrific Vettefest weekend.


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Relaxing at the Dunes!

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