Atlantic Canada Corvette Clubs meeting October 2018

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Atlantic Canada Corvette Clubs
Meeting Minutes, October 27, 2018
Boardroom, Lounsbury Chevrolet, Main St, Moncton
Roger & Angela Bourgeois, Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Paul Dunn, Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Ivan Hines, Corvette Club of NS
Kingsley Lewis & Colby, PEI Corvette Club
Errol Callbeck, PEI Corvette Club
Ray & Kathleen Cromwell, Loyalist City Corvette Club
Sylvia Blanchard, Corvettes of Southern NB
Abent:  Representatives from River Valley Vettes
And the Newfoundland/Labrador Corvette Club

The meeting began at 10 a.m. and was chaired by Roger Bourgeois, GMCC President.   Roger welcomed the group and thanked everyone for taking time from their busy schedules to attend the meeting in Moncton.  It was a great summer.
1.    Harry Bartlett, President of NLCC, sends their regrets, but forwarded us their notes to share, as follows:
Membership is at approx 28, down a little from last year;  weekly cruise night every Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m.;  Meetings first Monday of each month;  Hickman Motors car show in July;  Monetary donations to MADD and Kids Eat Smart Foundation;  Overnight cruise to Random Island/Clarenville area in July;  Day cruise of the Baccalieu Trail in September;  Annual Corvette rally in August;  Annual pool tournament in November;  Annual Christmas dinner in December;  Overnight trip to Woody Island Resort in September.
2.    Errol Callbeck, President of PEICC, accompanied by Kingsley Lewis, the event coordinator. 
He acknowledged that the fall meeting is certainly not as exciting as the spring gathering as it is hard to get excited about winter coming.  Thank you to Lounsbury and the Moncton club for again allowing us to use the Boardroom. 
For a quick recap of their year, the Barrett Jackson Pot Luck party was held at Errol and Dionne's home in January, which is always a nice evening and typically well attended.  In February, they held a Valentine's get together at the Merchantman Pub in Charlottetown.  Regular Wednesday night gatherings began in May;  a small change to the gathering place alternating between the usual spot and a new location at the Red Shores Casino.   Unfortunately, folks tended to return to the usual gathering spot by the end of the season, so not sure the Red Shores will continue in 2019.

Outside of the Maritime Corvette shows, which every one knows about, we attended a few other shows on PEI – including the PEI Antique Car Show in May, PEI Street Rod Association in July and a couple of local parades.
The PEICC show in August this year was again a tale of 2 different weather patterns.  With no rain all summer, they got a month's worth of rain on the Saturday of the Island Tour.  The trip was cut short, but ended in the parking lot of a restaurant, which accommodated us well.  A smaller group than usual attended the evening BBQ and fundraiser, but everyone enjoyed their evening.   Sunday turned into a nice day and final count was just under 50 Vettes registered and a few more that parked on the sidelines to take in the show on foot.  Not surprisingly, the Belle of the Ball was Bobby Cooke's ZR1 convertible and it attracted a lot of attention from the public as well as the participants.   Following the show, about 30 people gathered for supper.  Errol thanked everyone once again for making their small club's show a success.
As a club, they have not had great success in growing, which is a bit disappointing.  There are more Corvettes on PEI than ever before.  But would welcome any ideas we could share about how to get interest in their club.  Currently the membership stands at 20-25 families.
As we look forward to 2019, they expect the annual show weekend to be organized similarly to the past few years, and will take place on August 17th and 18th.
The club has had a few members express an interest in the 2019 Caravan to Bowling Green, but no one has registered yet.  Errol & Dionne plan to attend as they have participated in the last 3 and always create some great memories each time.
Final event for 2018 will be their Christmas party, Sunday, November 25th.
Executive for 2019:  President, Errol Callbeck;   Vice-President:  Scott Ferris;   Teasurer:  Doug MacDonald;  Events Coordinator:  Kingsley Lewis.
Feel free to email Errol at any time:
Thank you everyone for being here and we look forward to bright, sunny days ahead in Summer 2019.
3.    Ivan Hines, President of CCNS, presented the following for his club.   
The executive board members are:  Ivan Hines, President;  Jody Crook, Vice-President;  Treasurer:  Rick Latimer;  Secretary:  Doug Butt;  Past President:  Matt Meade;  Director at Large:  Tom Kennedy JR.
Their club has purchased a 2'x2' stone, officially laid at the National Corvette Museum in section 80.  Standard size bricks can be purchased in conjunction with the New England Caravan group at a cost of $100 for a NCM member, $125 for non members.  The bricks will be laid in a special area for the New England Caravan, in front of the commemorative bench.  Anyone interested can contact Randy Flock at    Anyone interested in the Atlantic group participation in the New England Caravan should contact Rick Latimer at
The club's new Events Coordinator  is Michael Carver: and the newsletter editor remains Darleen Langille.
The club's charity for 2018 was the Q104 IWK Children's Trust.  The club donated $1,000.  They have voted to support that charity again in 2019.
The club has honored another 2 members with lifetime memberships in recognition for their years of service and dedication to the club and the Corvette community:  Orrin Flick & Betty-Mae Madden;  they join the other 3 lifetime members:  Rob Stuart, Brian & Debbie Palmer.
The holiday party is set for January 12th at the Timber Lounge in Halifax.
The annual Maritime Meet will again be held in Yarmouth in conjunction with SeaFestCar Show, on July 19-21, 2019.  A block of rooms are booked for Corvette members at the Rodd's Grand Hotel in downtown Yarmouth.  Ivan encourages everyone considering the show to grab a room for the weekend. (902) 742-2446 – ask for the Corvette car club rate.
Wednesday night cruises and off season monthly breakfasts will now move to the Thunderbird Diner instead of the True North Diner.
Ivan thanked GMCC for chairing the meeting again, it is great to see everyone.
** Added following the meeting:  During the last weekend Annual General Meeting, discussion followed regarding trophies at the Maritime Meet.  As the organizer of that show, Ivan wants trophies, so he will continue to have trophies in 2019.  It is a  large cost burden, but attendees seem to love them and Ivan enjoyes the designing and surprise element, so for the time being, they are remaining a part of the NS show.
4.  Ray Cromwell, President of the LCCC, started out by stating that their club members were very busy, with 43 activities in 2018, with their main trip being to Hartland.  The Hartland Days is held on the first Monday in August.  The club does no overnight trips; but have many BBQ's (chicken, spare ribs, souvlaki kabobs, bacon wrapped scallops, steak, twice baked potatoes) and then Black Forest Cake for dessert.  The membership makes many local runs with a restaurant at the end of every trip.  The membership is currently at 17, and no one is ever hungry.  Club members were able to attend the Saint John, Fredericton, Moncton and PEI shows;  unfortunately no one was able to make the NS show.
5.  Sylvia Blanchard, President of the CSNB, tells us they are now at 43 members (Vettes), which includes three new members this season.   Sadly 2 members passed away: Cyril MacNeil and Doug Wilson.
It was a very busy season for their club as well with lots of events.   Their annual show, held in August, saw 51 Vettes registered and the weather was great.  Everyone had a great time.  Thanks to the members from the Moncton, Fredericton, PEI and Acadia Region Corvette (Maine) clubs for helping make it a success.
Club members attended the Lounsbury show and Atlantic Nationals in Moncton, Fredericton/Fiberglass Alley and a few were able to make it to the PEI show.  Members participated in the Bar Harbor weekend held in the Spring, and the ARCC fall show in Ellsworth, Maine.
The club teamed up with the Loyalist City Corvette Club to Hartland, St-Martins, and the Jemseg shows, as well as local shows in Hampton and St George.
A few cruise nights to their sponsor (A & W) and onto the Moosehead Batch Brewery afterward.  They referred to these as Burgers & Beer night.  A day trip to the McAdam Railway station was a great day.  The season sinished with a corn boil & BBQ at their events' coordinator's home, Dorothy Miller.
They try to fill up the off season with monthly breakfast get together (Vittles without Vettes) at Britt's Pub, Rockwood or the Lock Stock & Barrel pub, and they have the occasional evening outing to an up town restaurant.
Their Christmas party will be held on Dec 1st to wrap up the season.
The club's October meeting was not held, so the executives for next year has not been confirmed.  Sylvia believes that everyone will remain in their current position, with the exception of the Event Coordinator, who will be stepping down.  The Charity for 2018 has not yet been decided, but they have a donation jar for Romero House.
6.  Roger Bourgeois, President, GMCC.  The club currently has 147 members (Families), from NF to Ontario, none yet from Quebec.  Sales of new Corvettes is still strong with 3 new 2019's being delivered this fall. 
The season began with the Speed Sport car show at the Moncton coliseum, followed by a trip to Baie-Ste-Anne; Bar Harbor Maine, Lounsbury's show (140 Corvettes in attendance) – thank you is extended to everyone from Lounsbury for attending their show; RiverValley Vettes; The Great Race (which was a race that began in Buffalo and ended in Halifax – pre 1973 cars of every kind, including cars seldom seen).  During that event, Roger met a gentleman and his wife from Texas, who actually restores C2's as a business.  During our show at the Atlantic Nationals, 130 Corvettes registered and the show's main prize was won by one of our members;  then a trip to Yarmouth that took 4 days travelling the north-west of NS and lead us to the Maritime Meet weekend;   the members toured an Alpaca farm, a Monastery, Beaubears Island interpretation centre.  Our members Lindou & Jean hosted 40 Vettes (77 people) at their annual BBQ.  We attended the Saint John show, PEI show, made a 3 day trip to Dalhousie, Rimouski Quebec and home through Edmundston (touring a submarine, a museum for the sunken ship The Empress of Ireland, St Laurence River – biggest ship disaster after the Titanic – all in Rimouski Quebec).  Our final Corvette runs for the season were a trip to Pictou to visit Rollie MacDonald's home and garages/car collection, and then a Lobster feast run with a stop at Bobby Cooke's home to view his car collection.  Our Christmas party will be held on December 8th at the Knights of Columbus hall on Murphy Ave, Moncton, at 6 p.m.  Everyone is welcomed.
We already have 3 members paid for 2019, so we anticipate another great year.  Our 2019 calendar will begin with Speed Sport car show at the Moncton coliseum on April 12-14.  The Atlantic Nationals will be held on July 3-6th and Roger encourages everyone to register before December 31st to take advantage of the reduced rate ($35 compared to $45).
We will try to participate in all Corvette club shows for 2019, and are planning an overnight trip to the Shippagan, NB area.  Our trip to Maritime Meet, Yarmouth will include a tour of the south shore of NS this year, and as always, 2 days for the PEI show.
Our calendar of events will be posted as soon as the events are planned (usually by end of April) and any Corvette member from any other club is welcome to join us on our runs. check calendar.
Roger & Angela will participate in the 2019 New England Caravan to Bowling Green.  We believe we are the only members from our club with that planned.
Paul Dunn will be making another book of memories to cover pictures taken during the year 2018.  The book will be out in November at an approx cost of $50.  He will not order extras, so if you are interested, contact him immediately:
Paul has also accepted the position of Canadian Council of Corvette Clubs, Eastern Region, Chief Editor for their magazine Fast Past, issued twice a year (Spring and Fall).

Next meeting will be held on Saturday, April 13th, 10 a.m. at the Lounsbury Chev Dealership, Moncton, Boardroom.

Have a great Holiday Season and a Happy New Year.

Angela Bourgeois, Minute Taker

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