GMCC Monthly (Video Chat) Meeting August 4 2020 Executive

Started by Ricko, August 09, 2020, 02:12:03 PM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
Aug 4, 2020
Video Chat – 6 pm

Present :  Roger and Angela Bourgeois, Bob Cormier, Rick and Helen Estabrooks, joining by phone Wornick Price.

President Roger Bourgeois welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Minutes of the previous meeting were not read as they can be reviewed on line.

Old Business :  President reported on club activities, a run on July 16 to Miramichi to Lounsburys to show support for Kevin Horseman.  The highlight Kevin had arranged for Nathan Roy and Tim Cameron to show their new C8 vettes, one orange and the other red.  President Bourgeois wanted to thank Kevin for the hospitality shown the club members who attended.
Another run was to Cap Lumiere, Richibucto, Bouctouche where the cars stopped for a few times and the President reported participants kept their distance as required and the run went very well.
Run to St Andrews went well the club had 16 cars join Saint John club.  Participants ate separately and sat in a field keeping social distanced from others afterward while waiting for the 3 pm time for departure home, some stayed behind at hotels.  Angie distributed face masks at different times, selling great, and the President was very happy to report that either participants respected social distancing rules or wore face masks.  He would like to remind some to take a tape measure and measure off 6 feet so that they are aware of proper distancing.

The response to name tags this time was great.

Further run went to Memramcook which took off from Dieppe Blvd. going to Industrial St to automotive store where a picture was taken, then off to Champlain St past old airport used car lot where another picture was taken, then on to Memramcook via Amirault St Central, the return trip through Pres Denlant through Dieppe and to Baig Blvd, Salisbury Rd to Salisbury where the participants disbursed.

Financial Report :  Total XXXX, with 0 expenses.  Deposits $232.66 and no outstanding bills for payment.  Membership paid in cash $30.00.  Moved by Wornick and seconded by Rick.

New Business : 1)   Membership now 95.
2)  Our Christmas party for 2020 has been cancelled due to covid 19, with not knowing what will happen in the coming months and needing to prepare now for December the executive decided to cancel now.
3)  Newsletter from Maritime Motor Sport had been received.
4) Decision has been made to host a golf tournament by the Petitcodiac Valley Golf Club on Sept 5.  Induction ceremony for 2020 has been cancelled and in 2021 will be held in PEI at the Rodd Royalty in Charlottetown.   They are now working on a fundraiser for an addition to the building and need $110,000.00 and have received a generous donation of $40,000.
5)  President advised that he will be keeping a list of all persons attending events with the club per public health guidelines just in case there is an outbreak of covid 19.
6)  President advised he was sorry to report that Charles and Jeannelle Gould have sold their corvette and are pursing other interests at this time.  He wished to thank them both for all their help with club barbeques, Charles for help with shows and being the caboose on drives with the radio to inform the front what was going on in the rear.  The executive agreed to send a token of the club's appreciation to the couple.
7)  The Autism Resource Centre caught everyone by surprise by closing their Moncton  and Kent area centres.  It was known that Angela who had been working so hard for the centre had changed positions and with covid 19 no new contact was announced so it is not known if this was a financial issue or lack of  volunteers.  This was the club's major charity and the club may be looking for a new charity to support.
8) Poker run upcoming on Aug 12 organized by CCSNB.  A few cars will be released at a time, the run will not be fast paced and will go through areas of Saint John, with social distancing in mind, a food truck will be at a predetermined location.  Participants from the club will leave McDonalds  Magnetic Hill at 9:30 am.
9)  All events on the 2020 club calendar will be cancelled and if there is an event scheduled in the future it will be posted 2 weeks in advance.  An e mail will be sent to club members to advise them of the activity.

Reminder to all participants at club activities to bring and wear name tags so that new members can get to know everyone.

There being no further business this meeting adjourned with tentative date for next meeting by video chat Sept 7th at 6pm. 

Thanks again to Bob Cormier for arranging the chat. 

Helen Estabrooks

Roger Bourgeois

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