GMCC Monthly Meeting July 4 2022

Started by Ricko, July 06, 2022, 10:31:25 AM

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Greater Moncton Corvette Club
July 4, 22
Lounsbury Meeting Room – 7pm
Present:  Angela Bourgeois, Marc and Sandra Melanson, Mary Coxon, Betty Mae Madden, Darlene Estabrooks and Ray Cormier, Helen and Rick Estabrooks, Margaret Mayes and Trueman Copp, Don MacAulay and Debbie MacPherson, Dave and Kim MacPherson, Tom and Terri Osler, Dave Fyffe and Tina, Charles and Claudette Richard, and special guest Melody Dobson – Ex Director Autism Resource Centre.
Vice President Marc Melanson asked Angela to introduce Melody Dobson, Executive Director of Autism where he presented her with cheque for $635 earned through donation jar at Lounsbury Car Show and sale of 50/50 tickets.  She provided details of programing with the Centre, teen social group to start the following night and other programing to start in September where participants interact through music, swim classes etc.  This summer is a summer of planning for her as she is only 3 months into her role.  She apologized for the short notice that the group would not be able to host BBQ for the Atlantic Nationals this upcoming weekend due to factors out of her control.  She thanked the club for the donation and added the great work the resource centre can do with the funds the club provides.
Meeting opened with Vice Pres welcoming all and advising that Bob was unable to attend due to the passing of his uncle.
Minutes of May meeting were read by Secretary.  Moved by Angela and seconded by Mary minutes were accepted as read, all in favor, motion passed.
Old Business:  1) Marc reported on the June 11 Lounsbury Car Show, weather was outstanding helping to get over 150 corvettes to show up.  Big thankyou to Lounsbury Chevrolet for putting everything together with food and music, t-shirts, and the great prizes.  Thanks to everyone who helped from registration, donation jar, to sale of 50/50 and getting cars parked.  The 50/50 was a huge success with total of $1624 raised winner was Trueman Copp in the amount of $812.  Winner of TV also stayed within the club congratulations Ray and Darlene.  Thankyou to everyone who came out including clubs from other provinces.
2)  Marc asked Angela to report of Kingston Invasion held June 17 -18.  She reported loads of fun.  A group from northern NB, Linda and Leandre Gauvin, Phillip and Evelyn Valotoire and Marc and Sharon Willett arrived there on Thursday followed by Steven and Ann Perry to take part in a dinner cruise.  Don MacAulay and Debbie MacPherson followed Roger and Angie, arriving on Friday.  It was fun seeing our friends from Ontario.  Downtown was shut down for our car show on Friday, with almost 500 vettes parked.  We had a spectacular view form the restaurants roof top.  The whole weekend was very well planned out with group meals, group tours, banquet with the unveiling of the first C8 Z06 in Canada.  We were joined at the banquet by 2 couples that made the trip from NS.  GM seminar with special guest from GM Canada and Ron Fellows, who travelled from Montreal where he participated in the F1 races, and a C8 motor on display for questions and answers.
3)  June 25, Covered Bridge chip factory tour along with touring the Harland Covered bridge, a total of 14 cars left Moncton and we picked up another near Fredericton making a total of 15.   We arrived in Hartland where we had lunch before the factory tour.  Picnic, subway, Burger King.  Unfortunately, the production ended before we arrived.  We toured the outer halls where we received information about the factory and farm.  Unfortunately, the lights were off over production.  From there we took the short drive to the longest covered bridge where we stopped at the visitor gift shop for ice cream and to look at the bridge.  They also had live music which was nice.  Weather was great.  We made our way home via the 105 into Fredericton then to Lincoln where we stopped for the final time.  The winner of the gas card was Paul and Monique Girouard.  Thank you to everyone for attending.
4)  Quad C mobile oil Auction.  The club received 4 – 4.73 Mobile 1 oil.  We broke into 2 Packages for the auction.  We had multiple bids.  The 2 winning bids were from Derwin Cooling for $80 and Charles and Claudette Richard for $70.  A total of $150 raised for our charities.
5)  Angela advised that she and Roger took the cheque for $635 to the IWK and presented to Child Life 6 unit.
Upcoming Events:  1)  Atlantic Nationals this weekend, park open at 8 am on Saturday, Bob left information that he will be there early on Saturday to set up for our area.  Others indicated they hoped to be there at 7:30 to help.   There will be no Autism BBQ but lots of food vendors, in in doubt please bring lunch.
Angie reported that she has received most of our sponsorship money, cheques already given to Treasurer, 11 gave $150 each, including Action Car and Truck Accessories, Atlantic Air Cooled Engines, Comfort Homes, Pneus Goguen Tires, MacDonald Corvettes, Moland Corvettes, Mr. Lube, Riverview Truck Repair, RTR Investments, Uni Financial and Marc Melanson.
Prizes that have been received will be given out randomly to participants with a person not affiliated with anyone in the club making recommendations as there will be no registration.
The 50/50 for corvette crowd only to be done from 1 – 3 on Saturday organized by Darlene with help from Ray and Helen.
If anyone would like to organize a meal after the show, please step up.  Details of the week's events were reviewed with specifics on picking up packages and other events from the Atlantic Nationals page.
Thursday there will be activity for the corvettes only meet at MacDonalds Corvettes at 10 until 12 to view his private collection.  Wendy will be providing coffee, tea, drinks, and snacks.  At lunch people can meet at Roger and Angies home in Dieppe to either bring a lunch, order pizza etc., an email will be sent with details.  At 2:15 going to AJM Classics in Dieppe.  Please bring your chairs.
2)  July 15 – 17 Yarmouth Seafest.  Leaving Friday at 8am from Dieppe Irving.  Email to confirm details will be sent.
3)  July 23/24 Campbellton Run organized by Carrie and Richard Rioux please review her write up on events and she will post if anything changes.
4)  July 30/31 Tom and Terri Osler are willing to host club BBQ that weekend should club desire, will be reviewed with President and watch for further email.
Treasurers Report: Tom provided report, income $2356.13, expenses $1219.42, balance XXXX.   Motion to accept by Angela and seconded by Mary all in favor, motion carried.
Bills for Payment nil.
Membership:  Mary reported that as of today noon 131 members registered and welcome letters sent.  She advised with regret that the club is looking at a new volunteer for this position as she and Paul have sold their corvette due to health issues and will no longer be active in the club.  Terri volunteered for this position and material exchanged.
New Business:  1) Website Tom advised that Frank asked if the club would like him to take care of updates etc. and do a monthly check of the site. Angela and Rick have decided to take care of the website for the present until our agreement with Go Daddy is finished in 2 years.  If help needed Frank will be contacted.  Dave will try to load pictures of recent trips, events to the page.
2)  Motion made by Angela that everyone who organizes a run or event where pre scouting of the route is required to be offered a $50 gas card to help offset the cost of organizing and planning the event.  Seconded by Ray all in favor motion carried.  This is to include the past Covered Bridge Chip Factory Run and planned Campbellton trip.   Treasurer to purchase 5 gas cards for events this season if needed.
3)  Angela has an old VHS tape from the GMCC Aug 31,1996 date.  Suggested to convert to something that could be used present day.  Suggested to see if Ivan's could do it to a stick and present to Bob for display on his car TV at events.
Meeting adjourned at 8:13 by Angela.
Executive requested that minutes be sent to members week prior to meeting with 3 copies to be available at future meetings so that the need to read by Secretary not required.  Will be followed for future meetings.

Helen Estabrooks

Vice President
Marc Melanson

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